A little thing called CODING

Almost a year ago, something completely unexpected, yet wonderful entered my life. That thing is CODING. And you probably wonder how that happened. I myself still am in awe of how that came to be. By the way, a while ago, actually right in the early beginning of my coding journey I made a video called GIRLS WHO CODE on my main Youtube channel telling you all about it. So I was thinking, that it was time to give you an update. In the form of a blog post, for sure in the future, I will make a video as well.

By the way, here are some of the books that I've been using. But don't get discouraged when you see this large bunch. Hahaha... I didn't start there in the very beginning. 

Actually, the first step was me joining CODECADEMY. And got my feet wet with the HTML & CSS course, which is very practice oriented. Meaning, that each section helps you use what you are being taught (each slide is accompanied by very well structured knowledge blocks) to implent it in a very direct and pragmatic manner. Friendly, as well. Which is how I got hooked.  However, by the time I dove into JavaScript, I felt at some point, that jumping right into writing games (more elaborate exercises) was no longer helping make sense of the next steps. By the way, in late October 2015, the Pro version wasn't out yet. So I decided to look elsewhere to expand my understanding/knowledge of the language. 

That new element was Jon Duckett's books set : HTML & CSS (book 1) and JavaScript & JQuery (book2). I can't even begin to describe the joy and excitement when I received them. But more importantly, I was on cloud nine, when I looked inside and saw how well everything was structured. How well the pages were designed, to include relevant information accompanied by equally clear and easy to understand examples, as well as beautiful illustrations.

    These books come with support exercises, which you can download for free from his website.

Currently I am enrolled in a course at UDEMY, called JavaScript: Understanding the weird parts. Which is blending in nicely with what I am learning from my books (as well as other sources). Funny fact, the Instructor is among others an architect (like myself) so the way the course is built, has clarity in format/presentation, as well as in content. The course is 11.5 hours long, and by now I am well over the 50% mark and on my was to finish it. So far I am extremely pleased with my Investment. Which was just $19.


until next time, remember to be kind to yourself and others,



text/photo © 2016 Ana-Maria Theis 

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Comments: 4
  • #1

    Raluca Joy (Wednesday, 29 June 2016 10:11)

    Congratulations for all the amazing work you've done so far with coding! Keep up the great work :*! The books and the content of it looks amazing!! Big hug and kissses!

  • #2

    anamariatheis (Wednesday, 29 June 2016 10:27)

    Thank you!!! I am/will!!! I was really lucky to find such good books to keep me motivated. Hugs & kisses back!!!

  • #3

    rainbow (Saturday, 29 January 2022 22:56)

    You have made a very good choice!
    Wish you luck + a lot of projects :)

  • #4

    anamariatheis (Friday, 18 March 2022)

    Thank you Rainbow!!! Theh same for you!!!��